Tuesday, October 29, 2013

conectando a jovenes por Google Hangout / connecting teens through Google Hangout

What do you think about when you hear "Argentina"? Do you go to a Jewish day school? What are your favorite tv series? Do you feel close to Israel? Any special talents? 
"Do you have a special talent?" Yae can touch her tongue to her nose!
These questions and more are exchanged by teens in Argentina each Monday as they chat with teens from the B´nai B´rith Youth Organization (BBYO) in the US through Google Hangout, a video conference. The project started last year when five of the teens from Hebraica attended BBYO´s International Convention (IC) and came back wanting to still speak with the teens that they had met. They have spoken to teens in BBYO´s New England region, teens that attended BBYO´s International Leadership Training Conference last summer, and teens they met at IC last year. 
Teens from Hebraica in Buenos Aires, Argentina chatting through
Google Hangout with teens from BBYO´s New England Region 
The teens in Buenos Aires love connecting with teens from the US to learn about similarities and differences in culture, make new friends, and practice their English. Upcoming we have a Google Hangout about Israel and Shabbat planned! Here are some of my teen´s thoughts about the Google Hangouts:

Brainstorming questions before a Google Hangout
"I love the hangouts with people from different parts of the world. It's part of the communication that we have to make as a new generation. It's very important because in a globalization context, we have a chance that our parents didn't have. The chance of communicating with other Jewish teens from around the world, the chance to know other cultures and ways to live, the chance to talk head-to-head with young people who could be pretty much as we are, but also could be much different. I enjoy the hangouts and ask many questions to the teens on the other side of the screen."
-Ari Schwartz, 16

"I love google hangouts because we meet new people, we learn a lot about other's cultures, and we have a lot of fun! "
- Mai Stamati, 16
"I like the Hangouts because:
-I learn about the different types of Judaism.
-I realize about other types of routines.
-I improve/practice my English.
-I share an experience with my friends and new people that we probably wouldn’t do by ourselves.
-We can discuss with the teens different topics, like the Middle East conflict or the Syria’s conflict."
-Herni Melinsky, 15

You might remember that my Rosh Hashanah resolution was to really connect this year; at the time I didn't even realize this would include connecting Argetinian teens with teens from the US and around the world! I couldn´t be happier to connect my teens here with other Jewish teens from around the world; technology´s ability to connect us wherever we may be truly amazes me!

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