Friday, May 16, 2014

sorpresas y sonrisas / surprises and smiles

This past week another of our teens planned an awesome activity for teens involved with BBYO in Argentina. Daniel Korinman (everyone's pointing at him in the picture to the right) planned a fun interactive scavenger hunt that included a very special prize. Read on to see what he did:

Para BBYO tuve que hacer una actividad, elegi hacer una actividad sorpresa para mis amigos. Esta actividad consistia ir por los pisos de Hebraica consiguiendo pistas y los que llegaban al final conseguian un premio. Elegi este juego porque me parecia que ultimamente las actividades eran sentados y charlando y me gusto la idea de que corran y se diviertan. La actividad salio muy bien, se divirtieron y les gusto mucho el premio. El premio era unos mensajes de nuestros amigos internacionales, porque me parecio lindo recordarlos y saber que siempre vamos a ser amigos. Los internacionales me mandaron algunos mensajes muy lindos que decian que los extrañaban y que ojala se encuentren devuelta, etc. Me gusto mucho realizar esta actividad porque me senti muy bien cuando vi la sonrisas en la cara de los chicos cuando leian los mensajes. Gracias y espero seguir difrutando de las demas actividades en BBYO.
For BBYO, I had to plan an activity and I decided to make it a surprise activity for my friends. The activity consisted of using the different parts of Hebraica to find different clues and questions (scavenger hunt). Everyone that finished the scavenger hunt won a prize.

I chose this game because our last few activities have been seated and chatting so I liked the idea of an activity where everyone could run around and have fun. The activity went very well, everyone had a lot of fun, and really enjoyed the prize.

The prize consisted of messages from our international friends, because I thought it would be really nice to remember them and continue to know we will always be friends. The internationals sent me messages that included things such as how much they missed us and hope they could see us again, etc.

I really enjoyed planning this program because it was so nice to see the smiles on the faces of my friends when they read the messages from their international friends.

Thank you and I hope to continue enjoying all the other activities in BBYO.

Daniel Korinman, 17

Thank you Kori for an awesome activity that incorporated having fun and the connections the teens in Argentina have made through their partnership with BBYO!

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