Tuesday, February 25, 2014

¡felicidades Hache! / congratulations Hache!

Hache, one of the two assistant youth directors I work with at Hebraica, was honored by BBYO as the international advisor of the year. The award is called the David Bittker Advisor  of the Year Award and was awarded to Hache for helping to start and sustain Hebraica's partnership with BBYO among many other reasons. My teens and I wrote a small speech that two of our teens, Ari and Melu, presented to Hache along with the award in front of all 2,000 participants and esteemed guests. I am so proud and lucky that I get to work with such a creative, innovative, and passionate person in Buenos Aires. Hache completely deserved this award and I'd love for you to read why:

Why does Hache deserve this award?

Could it be for his experience as an educator, as a leader, his innovation? Could it be because he is an excellent guy?

In our Hebraica community, Hache is one of three directors in the youth department. He is always looking for new techniques to educate and teach both the chanichim (youth participants) and the Madrichim (counselors). He is not only a leader in our Hebraica community but also among Argentina’s Jewish community.

Hache was a key leader in both starting and strengthening our organization’s partnership with BBYO. This year at IC we are proud to say we have 7 representatives and hopefully more in the years to come. Hache, we would now like to present you with the David Bittker Advisor of the Year Award.

Hache, te queremos muchisimo y estamos muy orgullosos.  Gracias por todo!

We are so proud of you and love you so much. Thank you for everything you do!

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