Last week Tami and Juli, two of our teens, planned an extraordinary program for Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. I could tell you how amazing it was but I think its better if you hear it straight from them. Hopefully my translation will mostly get their points across!
What is the new structure of the BBYO project and what did you decide to plan a program about?
Desde el proyecto de BBYO Argentina decidimos que si de ahora en adelante alguién quería hacer alguna actividad sobre un tema específico, podia planificar para el resto de los integrantes del proyecto. Nosotras elegimos hacer una actividad sobre la Shoa porque es un tema que nos interesa y creemos que es importante transmitir los valores que ese trágico momento para la humanidad pudo enseñarnos.
As part of the BBYO Argentina project we decided moving forward people could choose to plan activities about a specific theme for the rest of the people in BBYO Argentina. We chose to plan an activity about the Shoa (Holocaust) because it is a theme that interests us and we believe it is important to transmit the values this tragic moment in humanity can teach us.
-Tami Kusznir, 16
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Juli and Tami at the Western Wall |
En nuestra actividad tratamos el tema de la toma de desiciones y los dilemas que se presentaban diariamente durante el período de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Creamos una historia de un hombre llamado George Brandy y en determinados momentos en que el protagonista se veía obligado a tomar una decisión importante, les dejábamos a los chicos la tarea de discutir y ponerse de acuerdo. Por lo tanto, ellos tenían que ponerse en el lugar del personaje y construian su destino.
La actividad salio buenisima, cumplimos con los objetivos de que ellos pudieran discutir y exponer y argumentar sus puntos de vista, pensar y refexionar este tema tan importante de transmitir como educadoras.
In our activity we wanted to use the concept of making decisions about dilemmas that were presented daily during the Second World War. We created a story about a man named George Brandy. In certain moments when the protagonist needed to make an important decision, the teens in our group would discuss the situation and agree upon a decision. They had to put themselves in the place of the person (George Brandy) and choose their destiny.
The activity went extremely well. We met our goals of having the teens discuss, exhibit, and debate their points of views, while also thinking and reflecting on this subject and how we can transmit it as educators.
-Tami Kusznir, 16
**Sidenote from Kate - Their program was amazing. In the moments of decision, the teens would debate and then agree on what path they wanted to take. Juli and Tami had written stories for both choices so depending on each choice the teens made, George Brandy's destiny could have changed. You could tell that so much thought and detail-oriented thinking had gone into the creation of this program.
Is Jewish education (formal or informal) important for you? Why?
Para nosotras llevar adelante la educación judía es un compromiso que asumimos porque creemos que continuar con la tradición y recordar nuestras orígenes y las injusticias que pasó nuestro pueblo (como por ejemplo, la Shoa) nos permite aprender a ser mejores seres humanos y también transmitirlo a los que nos rodean. Además, creemos que la educación no formal es un ámbito que todavía tiene mucho potencial y nos corresponde a los jóvenes practicarlo y promoverlo.
We pursue a Jewish education because we made a commitment. We believe that carrying on the traditions and remembering our origins and the injustices that happened to our people (such as the Holocaust) allow us to learn to be better humans and transmit it to those around us. In addition, we believe that informal education is an area that still has a lot of potential and it is up to us young people to practice and promote it.
-Juli Cohen, 18
Amazing job Juli and Tami! I am so excited to see the programs my teens come up with in Argentina, more to come!
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