One of my favorite things about living here is getting to meet young Jews from all over the world. Every so often, I love gathering with a mix of people for a very informal Shabbat dinner. On Friday night, eight Jewish friends from London, France, Argentina, Colombia, and the US gathered at my apartment for a pot luck style dinner. From sesame noodles to quinoa salad, guacamole to caprese, mango & pomegranate salad to hummus, and of course challah and chocolate chip cookies, we had all the fixings! We talked about our lives, laughed when everyone momentarily forgot the next verse of Shalom Alecheim, some of the less observant people asked the more observant people about certain practices on Shabbat, discussed the somewhat universal "Jewish accent", and talked until almost three in the morning. I am definitely not a religiously Jewish person but I love being able to share in a tradition and spend time with people that come from a common faith. It is so funny to me how Jews tend to find each other no matter where they are in the world. I love that I have come to a foreign country but have had the opportunity to meet Jews from other countries besides just Argentina. I can't wait for our next cena de shabat!

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