Wednesday, March 26, 2014

las frases españoles / spanish frases

My life in Argentina is full of Spanish words, phrases, mannerisms, etc. In many ways it has become natural for me to speak, listen, read, and interact in Spanish. But every once in a while I get a good laugh when I hear people saying certain phrases that we use in English or that just make me giggle. Here are a few of my favorite spanish phrases (you might recognize some of them): 

¡Abre te sésamo! - Open Sesame

Tiene hormigas en el culo - have ants in the bottom (our version of: have ants in your pants)

No me rompas las pelotas - Literally: Do not break the balls - Means: Do not bother me

Lo tengo en la punta de la lengua - I have it at the tip of my tongue

¡Que tengas dulces sueños! - Have sweet dreams!

Tu cara dice todo - Your face says it all

Cuando el gato no está, los ratones bailan - When the cats not there, the rates will dance (our version of: when the cats away, the mice will play)

Etiquetame - Tag me! (usually used for tagging on social media) - my teens loving saying "Etiquetame" while I'm taking pictures at our programs

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