The family arrived early in the morning and I surprised them at the hotel in Puerto Madero! My mom, dad, sister, and cousin had arrived for twelve days of South American adventures! After a good nap, we headed off to see my apartment, walked around my neighborhood Belgrano, met my Spanish teacher Roberto, and then went to Jardin Japonés (Japanese Gardens) and El Rosedal (Rose Gardens) in Palermo. We ended the day with delicious Italian food at a restaurant near our hotel in Puerto Madero, Bice. I cannot explain to you the feelings and emotions I had throughout the day. I have been living in this city for four months, had been to all of these places before, and now was getting the chance to share a part of my life with my family...it was really incredible!
The next day we spent the morning exploring touristy spots in the city including La Boca, Casa Rosada (Pink House, where the President works), Plaza de Mayo, Recoleta cemetery, and Avendida 9 de Julio. We ate delicious pizza and empanadas for lunch at Los Inmortales on Corrientes, definitely recommend it!
That afternoon we headed to Baby Help, the daycare center where I volunteered last summer. Viviana, the Director of Baby Help, shared Baby Help´s story and JDC´s role in Argentina with my family. This was amazing for me to see because I had already told my family a bit about Baby Help but for them to hear it from Vivi firsthand adds a deeper personal level to the center. They were having their end-of-year show so we got to watch the kids perform their "circus acts". My favorite were the elefantes (elephants) and bailerinas (ballerinas). How cute!
Afterwards we headed to Hebraica, where I spend the majority of my working time. After a much needed merienda (snack), Jessi, the director of Hebraica´s youth department and my supervisor, showed us around and got to meet my family. We even walked into a kabbalat shabbat celebration where my mom proceeded to join in on the dancing (see picture below). It was great to share a bit of my worklife with the fam. For dinner, we went to one of my favorite restaurants in the city, Sarkis, an Armenian restaurant that is absolutely delicious and inexpensive!
We had a couple jammed packed days but it was wonderful sharing a bit of my life and city with my family. When they originally decided to visit, I told my mom that you cannot really get to know Argentina if you only see Buenos Aires, so we planned to head south to Argentina´s patagonia for a few days to experience a calmer part of the country. Off to Bariloche!
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